Friday, March 21, 2008

Freebies and Samples

I have a confession, I am addicted to free samples and free promotions. I used to search Google all the time to try and find something good, then I found a site that makes me excited for Fridays (as a stay-at-home mom the weekend doesn't really fire me up) so I thought I would share the bounty with you all (who at this point I think are two):

Every Friday they post on the blog their "Freebie Friday" post which list samples and freebies from all over the Internet, some really great things like toddler dish set, teaching tools, lotions, foods, pet supplies, magazine subscriptions and all sorts of stuff, they post around 10:00 am PST, I usually go at night when Dan gets home.

I just wanted to share a little passion with you all. OH! And as a part of one of those offers, Skin MD, I was asked to review their product on my blog. The lotion was great, it worked really well and it had a clean un-oily feeling, I really liked it, plus the sample was a whole bottle, so I always like when they aren't stingy. Check it out. Here is their site if the offer is still up,

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