Thursday, July 26, 2012

I swear I didn't die!

Wow, it's been awhile since I visited you all. I guess I have just been REALLY busy. But I am back, at least for now!

 To update all y'all:

 Vinny is officially starting Kindergarten with Oregon Connections Academy this year. He is going to be starting with 1st grade work after he flew by the Kindergarten placement test. I mean FLEW by.

 He is also almost done with his swim lessons this summer, which he rocked! The past 2 years have been a struggle. We were so excited last year when right near the end of a month of lessons he finally started doing bobs and letting go of the wall. This year he is working the kick board, practicing arm strokes and kicking of the wall and "swimming" (arms and legs going at the same time with face in the water) for about 4 feet. We are just so happy he is finally getting the hang of it and enjoying it for once! We are really proud of him.

 William is talking like a crazy person (literally) and learning more and more each day. He is learning to count to 10 and does it about 40% of the time, but like any toddler, he often skips numbers or repeats them.

 The little bug is also having something akin to Night Terrors, we think it's because he's stopped taking naps and is too exhausted at bed time so we are going to have to start forcing naps again, which bites, but it's better than what he is going through.

 Dan got a new job with the state, which is good for the wallet but a pain for my day. He works until 5pm now so I am the only one at the shop 4 days a week. It's only 6 hours, but when you have been working 4 hours or less for 3 years, then it's a drag, at least for awhile.

 But he is rocking the job, only 2 weeks in and he has proven himself a hard worker, a smart worker and someone they want to keep around! Which makes me proud.

 Then there is me. I haven't lost the weight I have wanted, I am going to be one of the last to finish the Triathlon this Saturday and I am not feeling the heat. Ugh.

 But on a good note, we have been going on a trail walk/hike every Monday as a family and it has helped my jogging stamina. We also have been eating better and working on filling healthy meals but it's hard when Dan thinks that carrots, peas, corn and iceberg lettuce are the only vegetables worth eating. We are trying to convert him.

 But that is an update on the family and life. I will be trying to get back onto this more often, but I have no idea when I will have the time come school. I thought my life was busy BEFORE I had to keep Vinny on task with school. I think I am in for a shock.

1 comment:

Amy at Song Of The Fat Lady said...

I know all about not losing the weight you wanted, believe me! But you are doing the triathlon and that's what's important. Good for you! I'll think some cool thoughts for you!