The shoving, pushing, lying, back stabbing and all things headache inducing has begun. Elections. Ugh.
I keep hearing about this guy or that guy who is running. I think it is safe to assume Dems wont be jumping the OB ship in 2012, so anyone the GOP presents is going to be facing off with the master of "You're racist" himself.
I am not looking forward to another year and more being told how evil I am because I am a Conservative. Or how I am a racist because I don't like Obama (which is funny, because the possible candidate I like best so far is Herman Cain, who is black).
I am not looking forward to watching viable Tea Party candidates getting the shaft from the GOP because they are more worried about getting someone they can control than they are about the people of this nation.
I am fearful of the candidates who have officially thrown their hats in the ring, if we don't get something better, we might as well not have an election next year, it will be a waste of our time.
I mean, I like Romney and all, but I have accepted that he wont ever get anywhere close to me voting for him because people across the nation get to vote him out before I even get my ballot in the mail. Messed up system, letting states decide before us and leaving Oregon with a vote that rarely counts in the primaries.
I wish I could just shut it all out and not think about it until October 2012, but that is not my personality. I feel I should be better informed. I should look into the people and what they stand for before the lying ads come out.
We learn so much about the candidates, from their own lips, in the beginning stages because they are still testing the waters, seeing what people like and hate, and planning every speech to make every promise and some how, no promises at all.
We are facing something huge here people, whatever your political stance, you can't deny that politicians lie, they cheat, they bribe and take bribes, they ignore the people who got them in power and they think they are above the laws they force upon us. We have a chance to change that. Every election we have that chance, and most years we fail to do anything, re-electing the same liars and cheaters, stating the attitude "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't".
Well, I am calling America out. Screw the devil you know! If he/she is a devil, then why keep them in power? America, let's show Washington DC and each and every state that we are NOT sheep. We are not mindless, stupid followers. We are THE PEOPLE of the United States of American, and we are cleaning house!
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