Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 years!

Ladies and gentlemen: This Thursday, May 5th, is more than just another excuse for people to drink themselves into a stupor or gorge themselves on Mexican food. You see, this Thursday will mark year 6 (yes, SIX!) that Dan and I have been married.

And what an eventful 6 years. On this day in 2005 I was just engaged, living at home with a basic job and few responsibilities. Only 2 years later, I was a mom. Working for T-mobile and trying my hardest to not go insane. Now, 4 years after that I am the mother of 2, small business owner and home owner. I am even a partial computer tech! I can do things I never thought I would be capable of, and do them well! Things are so different from just a few years ago.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Some times I wish I had had a little more time before I was married, to get to know me better, would have saved Dan and I some grief, but hey, I may have missed him and I wouldn't want that at all.

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