Saturday, April 19, 2008


Vinny made me so proud this morning. I had OBP on in the living room, some show about gardening. At one point they were talking about keeping plants healthy and safe in winter. I wasn't watching until Vinny pointed at the T.V. and said "Shue" (His word for "look" or "see") then out the window and repeated "Shue" so I looked, it was snowing on the TV, and out the window! He kept pointing back and forth "shue"ing, then walked (okay, hobbled with a hand on the coffee table) to the couch to get a better look out the window and said "wow."

I was so excited to see him not only telling me something so clearly but also realizing things can be happening in two places at once, and that what you see in one place you can seen in another. I just can't believe what he is doing. He communicates with me really well. He will point at what he wants and say, you guessed it, "Shue", then if I pick up the wrong thing he will quickly shake his head and point again until I get it right. He only gets mad or fussy if I am obviously giving him the wrong thing on purpose, or he is sleepy. When I get it right he smiles or giggles. It is so cute.

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