Monday, July 15, 2013

Random thoughts

Just felt like blogging today, but didn't really have a point. So I guess I will do a life update.

Vinny: Did fantastically in school, completing 1st grade and half of 2nd!  We are very proud of him. He also gave a fantastic talk in church this year. He is reading at a 2nd grade level and has been challenged by his teacher to start reading 3rd grade level books so he can learn more. We do scriptures every night, and Vinny reads his own verse each night with minimal help. He has been doing swim lessons again and is certainly improving, slowly but surely.

William: Is a jabber mouth, no shock given his family. He is getting better and better at expressing himself with words and actions instead of grunts and melt downs. He has also started lessons this year and he is doing EXTREMELY well compared to his brother at this age. He even got a new teacher today and started trusting her very quickly. Still not potty trained, but I am working on that more and more and we have progress!

Daniel: Got a new job within ODOT as a lead tech. It has been challenging but a very good learning experience and paves the way for the next steps. Other than that it's computer games, playing with the boys and spending time with me. He is not much for outside socialization.

Me: Plateaued on the weight, not gaining, but not loosing either. I would really like a bike but getting a working one cost a bit more than we have to spend right now. I have started writing again, and Dan is helping. We are working on some kids books right now and hope to have sent it to a publisher by the new year. YEEE! I am getting better at being a housewife as well, it's only been 8 years since I started it, but I think I might finally be getting the hang of this! 

Also, for those who have not heard me talking about church callings before, Christmas 2011 I was called to be the music director in RS. If you didn't know, I have no musical inclination and cannot even read music. It was a challenge, but I have been getting more confident and much better at it these last few months. It's been interesting to see how much I have been able to learn. I can now understand music enough to get the general flow of the melody by reading the notes, I am not getting the notes right but I get the spacing, high/low and speed pretty well without help. Major improvement for only 18 months.

 Anyways, that's a bit of an update on our little family.

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