Thursday, May 15, 2008

You Never Know

There was a guy I knew in high school who seemed to have things pretty well together. He was very talented, he excelled in theater and was such a nice guy. He was constructive and if you completely messed up he would make you feel better and help you figure out how to fix it. I had come to expect some great things from him, especially in theater.

I got a call yesterday from a mutual friend. This young man was in the Air Force and something happened, he didn't pass a test or didn't get into a speciality area, I am not sure, and he hung himself. I was absolutely shocked and scared. He was one of the last people I would have expected that from. It left me so sad and confused.

This Sunday there is a memorial for him. I am going, but it is so sad knowing that the first time I will see some of my friends in 4 years is for this. That we are gathering for this solemn event, and that he will never be there when we all meet in the future. It just has me really off.

1 comment:

Kari said...

That is SO sad. I'm sorry for your loss, as well as your world being shaken. You just never know, do you?