Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weird Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that made no sense then later that day you find something out for the first time and the odd things fall into place?

Last night I had a dream in which I was me, but I looked like Drew Barrymore. Then I fell in love with a guy named Moe, who was just like Dan but looked like Bruce Willis. So I wake up wondering why in heavens name I put those two together, I couldn't remember a movie they were in together, let alone as a couple.

So this morning I searched Google for both there names, hoping to find a movie, but instead I find out they were making out at a Golden Globe party. I don't follow celebrity relations unless I see them on the news or I am really bored in the check out at the grocery store. So I can't imagine where I would have heard this if I ever did.

I think I might be psychic :)

Anyways, it was just weird. But I do have to say Dan mixed with Bruce Willis is strangely alluring.

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