Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And so it begins.

The shoving, pushing, lying, back stabbing and all things headache inducing has begun. Elections. Ugh.

I keep hearing about this guy or that guy who is running. I think it is safe to assume Dems wont be jumping the OB ship in 2012, so anyone the GOP presents is going to be facing off with the master of "You're racist" himself.

I am not looking forward to another year and more being told how evil I am because I am a Conservative. Or how I am a racist because I don't like Obama (which is funny, because the possible candidate I like best so far is Herman Cain, who is black).

I am not looking forward to watching viable Tea Party candidates getting the shaft from the GOP because they are more worried about getting someone they can control than they are about the people of this nation.

I am fearful of the candidates who have officially thrown their hats in the ring, if we don't get something better, we might as well not have an election next year, it will be a waste of our time.

I mean, I like Romney and all, but I have accepted that he wont ever get anywhere close to me voting for him because people across the nation get to vote him out before I even get my ballot in the mail. Messed up system, letting states decide before us and leaving Oregon with a vote that rarely counts in the primaries.

I wish I could just shut it all out and not think about it until October 2012, but that is not my personality. I feel I should be better informed. I should look into the people and what they stand for before the lying ads come out.

We learn so much about the candidates, from their own lips, in the beginning stages because they are still testing the waters, seeing what people like and hate, and planning every speech to make every promise and some how, no promises at all.

We are facing something huge here people, whatever your political stance, you can't deny that politicians lie, they cheat, they bribe and take bribes, they ignore the people who got them in power and they think they are above the laws they force upon us. We have a chance to change that. Every election we have that chance, and most years we fail to do anything, re-electing the same liars and cheaters, stating the attitude "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't".

Well, I am calling America out. Screw the devil you know! If he/she is a devil, then why keep them in power? America, let's show Washington DC and each and every state that we are NOT sheep. We are not mindless, stupid followers. We are THE PEOPLE of the United States of American, and we are cleaning house!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Harry Potter

So I started reading the Harry Potter books again (I only got through book 1 and half of book 2 when they came out) and I am hooked! Just started reading book 4 this morning. They are WAY better than I remember. I mean, they aren't as good as some of the classics and some of my favorites, but they aren't targeted at 25 years old mothers, they are fantastic for kids. I haven't read this much in awhile, I have been missing it. It gets the creative juices flowing, and I have picked up on writing some of my stories that have being neglected. It feels good to get back into the swing of things like this!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I wish Torrid were cheaper, because their clothes are to die for! Latest collection? http://www.torrid.com/torrid/Collections/LookBook/KitschyKeen.jsp?sortType=1&prodType=4

SOOOO much cute stuff. Why is it that most stores think all plus sized woman want to dress like mothers of the bride? Or think wearing bags are sexy? Why can't JMS at Wal Mart make more than 3 cute things per collection? Honestly, I am loosing weight, but I will be plus sized for awhile, why can't I dress cute?

Monday, May 9, 2011

By the sweat of my brow....

I have been feeling extremely house-wifey as of late. I am trying to sew more, both with my machine and by hand (which, while hard is actually quite fun on small projects!). I am also making things more and more by scratch. Like butter, a little cream, a lot of shaking and wah-la! I have homemade, yummy, custom butter! I also baked some bread, from scratch! And I am trying to bake a fresh loaf semi-regularly, even if it's just a loaf of Rhodes whole wheat from the freezer, it's still tastier and fresher than regular white bread.

Add to that all the hand washing I was doing when the weather was clear, and line drying..... I just feel good being all house-wifey!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 years!

Ladies and gentlemen: This Thursday, May 5th, is more than just another excuse for people to drink themselves into a stupor or gorge themselves on Mexican food. You see, this Thursday will mark year 6 (yes, SIX!) that Dan and I have been married.

And what an eventful 6 years. On this day in 2005 I was just engaged, living at home with a basic job and few responsibilities. Only 2 years later, I was a mom. Working for T-mobile and trying my hardest to not go insane. Now, 4 years after that I am the mother of 2, small business owner and home owner. I am even a partial computer tech! I can do things I never thought I would be capable of, and do them well! Things are so different from just a few years ago.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Some times I wish I had had a little more time before I was married, to get to know me better, would have saved Dan and I some grief, but hey, I may have missed him and I wouldn't want that at all.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin DEAD

Well, what an eventful evening yesterday! Osama Bin Laden is dead and gone, two to the head. Everyone is celebrating and exciting. But while I am happy to know he is no longer in charge, am I the only one thinking the party is a little premature?

I mean unlike, say Hitler, Osama was not the head of the whole thing, he was not their main leader, they think Allah is heading their operation. And Allah is a god, he cannot die or be caught. So is the war on terror any closer to being done? Really?